Sunday, November 17, 2013

Breathe, Smile, Relax, Repeat

Abby Drew

Once in awhile the keepers of my stress that I had buried deeply claw their way back out and wrap their icy little fingers around my life, squeezing out the joy that I strive to experience in this world. I am betting you have these days too. The ones in which you try so very hard to be present in the moment, yet the world just keeps collapsing in. Those times when you swear some unseen force is turning all your clocks ahead throughout the day, snatching away that precious time you had put aside to...relax!

Ah, the battle of stress in this modern age. We all hear about yoga, meditation, and exercise as good warriors against this unseen force, but what happens when you are not able to utilize these warriors in a particular moment? We can't just drop down a yoga mat in the middle of the shopping center when feeling overwhelmed, or start some stretching during that import board meeting when it all becomes too much.

Years ago I created the statement breathe, smile, relax, repeat. I have used this statement, and the related visualizations, when I find myself out in the world, unable to escape into my meditation practice, and feeling those icy fingers of stress start to dance down my spine.

The first part is breathe...this word is to remind me of those deep belly breaths, the ones that fill your whole abdomen. As I breathe into my core I draw my breath down through my legs into the ground beneath my feet. I imagine my feet extending into the earth below me, anchoring deeply within its fertile depths. In doing this visualization I am grounding myself down, allowing the stress to flow out of my body and into the earth. I am now grounded.

The second part is to smile...within this word is the reminder to open my heart  center. When stress hits it can close in and restrict our spirit. Therefore, I draw the sacred earth energy I tapped into during the grounding above and draw that force up into my body, allowing it to fill, open, and bless my heart. I breathe again and feel my heart fill with peace, love, and joy. As I feel the blessing of this energy I smile, deeply from my heart. I am now heart centered.

Next, relax...simply feel the tension within each muscle, each ligament, each joint, each cell let go completely. I imagine every piece of tension melting away under my breath. Any place I feel resistance I just keep breathing compassion, understanding, and patience into that place, giving myself permission to just let go. I feel my body gratefully grow more fluid, smooth, and calm. I am now at peace.

Finally, repeat...continue this statement and visualizations as many times as it takes to feel the stress of the moment pass. Practice this exercise even during moments when you are not experiencing stress in order to remind yourself to hold a peaceful intent always. With practice your body, mind, and soul begin to learn a different response to stressful moments. You are able to be present, without allowing the stress of a situation to knock you off balance. I try to repeat this process at different points each day, feeling grateful to be able to be fully present, and to be full of joy.

For more information, or to book a spiritual guidance session or healing with Abby Drew please click Sessions are available in person, over the phone, or with video chat online. We look forward to working with you.

The messages posted here are not intended to diagnose, treat, or replace any current care one is receiving. These messages are for pure reflective and mediation purposes only. All material on this blog including the channeled messages, images, and content are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a useful technique for calming our mind and heart when we out in the world; so simple but very powerful! Our social world only seems to increase in complexity and chaotic-ness, which makes this kind of centering all the more important and useful. I was out this evening during the Black Friday sales and used this technique to keep myself grounded and to prevent myself from falling into those negative thought and feeling patterns that are so easy to fall into when we are in certain situations...such as navigating a chaotic and crowded store with people who are very (and often solely) focused on their consumer goals. Thanks Abby!
