Monday, November 25, 2013

Level Up

I have had the pleasure lately of being able to witness as one of my good friends works diligently to expand their level of awareness and their heart center. There have been moments of struggle, followed by beautiful periods of enlightened thought. Witnessing all this hard work has caused me to reflect on the different levels we exist within, and how we can shift between them with our own work.

Many times we exist within a level without even realizing that we are reacting from that place. Sometimes this can cause pain or upset for ourselves or those around us. However, as we continue to work on expanding our awareness we begin to see patterns emerge and take form around us. These patterns help us to distinguish the levels we are operating from within our own life. We are able to take control of our behavior, thought process, and identity in order to shift the world around us.

This is a quick breakdown of the different levels of existence.

Auto Pilot: We go through the motions, but we do not have much of an awareness as to how our actions are impacting those around us. We do not question our particular spiritual path or wonder what we should be doing with our life. I like to refer to this as the zombie level.

Mind: There is the budding awareness of the ego here, and how it impacts our relationship with the world, and those we share it with. Attachments become apparent to us and we begin to work on releasing them.  We are still existing in victim mode at this point and so we blame the world for things that are wrong in our lives.

Heart: The concepts of unconditional love, giving, and receiving are introduced at this level. We strive to deepen our relationships with those in our lives. We begin to notice how our actions impact the feelings of others, and we work toward a compassionate lifestyle. Intuition, rather than strictly logical thinking, is put into action here. We begin to take responsibility for our own feelings and reactions.

Spirit: Here we delve into our spiritual identity. Who are we, what are we, and why we are here begin to be answered. We gain a more profound identity for our spiritual path. We are able to begin working with the energy of our environment through manifestation, spiritual healing, channeling, or similar work. We understand how our actions ripple across the ocean of beings before us.

Etheric: Our identity is well formed, we have learned how to live and love deeply and compassionately, and we have accomplished the ability to release attachment and ego. At this level we work to become one with all around us, to merge with all spiritual light as we begin to channel divinity through all we do. We learn to just exist without expectations or limitations.

To make this a little easier I came up with a word for each level. When I am responding to a person, event, or thought I check in with these words to see which level I am responding from.

Mind = Thinking
Heart = Feeling
Spirit = Knowing
Etheric = Being

I hope that as you continue to work through your level up experience that you find more peace, joy, health, and love throughout your journey.

To book a spiritual guidance session, ceremony, healing, or wedding with Abby Drew please click  Sessions are available in person, over the phone, or with video chat online. We look forward to working with you.

The messages posted here are not intended to diagnose, treat, or replace any current care one is receiving. These messages are for pure reflective and mediation purposes only. All material on this blog, including the channeled messages are copyrighted material and all rights are reserved.

1 comment:

  1. I would put myself in that same category of people as Abby's friend - working on cultivating awareness and heart centered-ness with moments of stumbling and moments of growth. This is a really interesting way to think about the level at which we're relating to ourselves and the world because it allows that process to be dynamic. I often find myself moving back and forth within the same conversation. Right now I have to constantly notice what level I'm existing at to keep myself at the heart level...even when I'm not interacting with others. I think I may make a little card to put in my wallet, to pull out when I want to check where I'm existing :)
